The distance of the shipment

You should take in consideration the distance that you are going to ship the car to. The longer the trip is going to be, the more you are going to pay for the shipment.

You need to remember, that these companies should also pay for fuel. And, the longer the trip, the more it is going to cost them. And, therefore, you are going to pay more for shipping your car. If you are planning a short trip, it isn’t going to cost as much.

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How much does it cost to ship a car in 2020?

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How much does it cost to ship a car for Military?

Each military POV (Privately Owned Vehicle) shipment is different  The distance of the shipment, the type and size of vehicle and that is reflected in the price.

How Much Does Shipping a Military POV Cost?Use our Online Form to get a custom quote for your military vehicle shipment with the best price guarantee

AAA Nationwide Auto Transportaters offers military auto transport to and from any military base or private home in continental USA, with routes and carriers operating 24/7. That means that there are always trucks running along the popular routes between locations and we're usually able to arrange an affordable spot for you on short notice.

Military Auto Shipping Prices in 2022